Sunday, October 8 is a special Sunday at Meadowlands. We invite you to our worship service at 11 am where we will observe The Lord’s Supper.  “For by grace you have been saved through is the gift of God.” [Ephesians 2:8] We praise and thank God for our greatest blessing–our salvation in Christ! Therefore, “Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving.”  [Psalm 95:2]

We will have only one service this day.  Our 9:30 am and 6:00 pm services are cancelled. Adult Bible Study Groups and Children’s Sunday School are cancelled. We will provide a nursery for infants to age three.  Our Junior Church will be available for children ages four to grade 3.

Following the service, we invite you to a complimentary Thanksgiving meal in our gymnasium.  We will then spend some more time giving testimonies and singing favourite hymns after the meal.

Sunday Morning Worship Broadcast Tune in Live at 10:30AM